Untitled Beauty by C.E. Wilson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I have never read a book quite like this or any other that C.E. has written. She just astounds me with the craziness that is bouncing around in her pretty little head. lol She comes out with these books that just have me in a trance. I could not put this book down except to sleep and even then I was thinking about this book.
C.E. puts so much into her books like love, compassion, hatred, understanding, and longing. The way she makes all her characters easy to read and understand the life the are living with the details really pulls it all together in your head.
Eleven has been trained and sold to people that will never treat her like anything other than a dog or a piece of meat. She will always be treated like nothing more that the chained up animal they see her as. Thankfully for her that does not last as long as what she anticipated.
I just loved the connection between Reese and Grace. The fact that she could find someone like her in such a horrible situation is just amazing and I can definitely relate on so many levels. All the things he goes through to be with her and stay with her is just awesome and heartwarming.
C.E. is just amazing and I can not wait to read more of this series!!!
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