Nevermore by Danielle Allen
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Danielle always astounds me with her work. I meant she has written under ten books and STILL leaves me in awe of her awesomeness.. lol No seriously her writing is amazing and the way she can play with your heart is even better. This book is feels book that even to the last page, you will have tears in your eyes and a frog in your throat. Maybe it's just me and having lost my big brother that touched me here a little more than normal. Ok ok onto the review.. lol
Raven and Jp have been best friends forever it seems to them and have always been there for each other regardless of any differences. They were always together and some liked that but others didn't. They were supposed to go to college together and that didn't work out. Once they did see each other again after school they were full fledged adults with the hormones to go with. Needless to say they weren't ready for what would happen once they did meet back up. BUT once that falls apart where will they be left? What will they be left with when their lives start to fall apart around them?
In this book there is confusion, there is loss, there is angst, there is hurt, and so much more. I can not put this book in words that will not give everything away. DO NOT for a second think that any one feeling will deter from the others, because at some points you will feel them all at once and definitely each separately.
Danielle Allen is indeed one of THE most talented authors I have read and will continue to follow all of her work. If you don't you will be for sure be treating yourself unjustly!!!
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